Broker Check

Our Process Chart Block

Establish and define the client-financial planner relationship.

Gather client data and determine
investor goals and objectives.

Analyze and evaluate the client’s
current financial status and corresponding asset allocation.

At O'Boyle Wealth Management, there are six steps to our financial planning process:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Regularly monitor recommendations and comprehensively report results.

Implement the recommendations.

Develop and present recommendations and/or alternatives.

At O'Boyle Wealth Management, there are six steps to our financial planning process:

  • Establish and define the client-financial planner relationship.

  • Gather client data and determine investor goals and objectives.

  • Analyze and evaluate the client’s current financial status and corresponding asset allocation.

  • Develop and present recommendations and/or alternatives.

  • Implement the recommendations.

  • Regularly monitor recommendations and comprehensively report results.
